Anne by Sally Heinrich


ARTIST NOTES: South Australian Icons - Anne
Television viewing was so very different when I was a kid than it is today. TV itself was still only relatively new beginning transmission in 1956. If you wanted to watch something you watched it when it was on. This was even before video recorders (I know - I’m really old) We would buy the TV Week magazine which contained all the programmes for the week ahead, and go through and mark the shows we wanted to see. It took some planning. Some things were non-negotiable. Like the 5pm news followed by This Day Tonight. The menu shifted over the years. When I was little, mornings and early afternoons were mine. Playschool and Romper Room (oh why did Miss Michelle never see me through her magic mirror?) Humphrey and Mr Squiggle. Many shows were live, like the Channel Niners, and local personalities were considered members of the family. Like Anne Wills. Willsy. You know you’re a success in showbiz when you’re known by a single name. She started out as South Australia’s first weather girl famously, and daringly, wearing a bikini on air, albeit quite modest by today’s standards, when the temperature topped 100 degrees farenheit. She went on to appear in a succession of shows, winning along the way the love of the public and a record nineteen Logies. Her fans followed the highs and lows of her on and off screen life, with her romances and tragedies making headline news. She lived in a townhouse only a few doors down from house I shared for a while, adding a touch of glamour to our street.

Hand coloured lino print
This print was created by carving the design, in mirror image, into a lino block. It was printed by hand on Stonehenge 100% cotton paper, and coloured using watercolour paints and inks. Therefore, although there are multiples available of the same image, each print is a unique and original artwork. The numbers on each piece refer to the edition size (to the right of the slash), which is the total number of that image that will be produced. The other number identifies the individual print. AP means the print is an artist’s proof, which is a stage in the development of the image, and may differ slightly from the final edition.

DIMENSIONS (Height - 52.00 cm X Width - 45.00 cm )
MEDIUM ON BASE Other Medium on Paper
GENRE Portrait
REGISTERED NRN # 000-38976-0148-01
COPYRIGHT © Sally Heinrich


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Artist: Sally Heinrich